Panic attacks – Brand

What are panic attacks and why do they occur?

Panic attacks occur as a sudden onset of intense discomfort that can cause multiple symptoms, including palpitations or accelerated heart rate, sweating, tremors, feeling of suffocation or difficulty breathing, feeling of suffocation, nausea, dizziness. , chills, fear of losing control or fear of dying. These attacks are sometimes followed by concern about having another episode, and also accompanied by avoidance behaviors.

What are the causes?

We could begin this section by saying what things are generally known as causes and what usually are not. Panic attacks do not specifically refer to an organic cause. There is nothing wrong with your physiology that makes you more prone to panic attacks, but, on the contrary, it is a psychosomatic disorder. Everything we produce at the thought level is what will determine how we feel, how we act, and will also trigger changes at the physiological level.

Among the main causes is being subjected to high levels of sustained stress. Stress is the body’s reaction to a challenge or demand generally greater than what we could respond to under normal conditions. Stress can be positive and in this way helps us go through situations of greater demand and respond appropriately, but when stress is chronic, it usually generates constant states of alert and excess cortisol in the blood, which triggers a series of reactions at the level physical, behavioral and emotional that are dysfunctional. Emotionally we will find ourselves more tense and with a lower capacity to correctly manage emotions, cognitive rigidity and increased sensitivity to internal and external stimuli appear.

This information is very important, since in most cases a good diagnosis of anxiety disorders is not made or it arrives very late after 15 or 20 years. This means that the person does not find the appropriate treatment and therefore their quality of life is degraded.

Cognitive behavioral therapy provides patients with the tools to change behavior and emotions by changing the way they perceive the events of daily life and also teaches patients to manage their emotions so that they tend to their autonomy and emotional management.

Contact information:

Lic. Flavia Cerutti.


Psychologist and Master in Educational innovation.

Online Consultation.


Instagram and tiktok: @psicologa.fla @liberatedelpanico

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