Panel, panel on the wall, who is the most beautiful in the country?

Solar panels are especially useful; they should generate as much energy as possible, but we would rather not see them. Most panels are therefore criss-cross on the roof, except for the Marloes panels. Her company supplies colored solar panels for the facade that are part of the building. However, this is at the expense of the yield.

Marloes van Heteren – marcruyg/nhnieuws

According to Marloes, it should be self-evident that not only roofs, but also facades of a building generate energy. “What I hope is that our children will ask in amazement: ‘Yes, but papa, mama, did you make facades that did not generate energy before?'” That is the dream of Marloes van Heteren and artist Reinier Bosch. At their company in Weesp, solar panels are made with a decorative print.

As an architect, Marloes wanted to design buildings as sustainable as possible, with as many solar panels as possible. As soon as the roof was full and there was a need for more solar energy, she looked for a solution for the facade. That didn’t exist yet, so she started working on it herself. She quit her architecture firm and started a new company.

colored solar panels are part of the color composition of a building – marcruyg/nhnieuws

However, a ‘nice’ solar panel on the wall does have one major drawback. It produces less energy than a conventional black or dark blue panel. The colors for traditional solar panels were not chosen by chance, because black always gives the highest efficiency. Solarix in Weesp therefore invests a great deal of time in coming up with the best color combinations and patterns to extract as much energy as possible from the facade panels.

“You have much more square meters of facade than roof”

Marloes van Heteren, Solarix

Marloes emphasizes that her solar panels are made to replace existing facade panels. And then every extra kilowatt is included. “You simply have more square meters of facade than roof,” says the optimistic entrepreneur.

Schouwburg Middelburg with solar panels on the facade – Solarix

According to the entrepreneur, the possibilities of colored solar panels on the facade are endless. As an example, she gives the solar panels of Schouwburg Middelburg, where imaginary curtains hang on either side of the entrance. These are curtains that also provide the building with energy.

The sustainability requirements for new buildings are becoming increasingly stricter. According to Marloes, the surface of the roof is then too small for installing enough solar panels. To meet these requirements, architects have to be creative, so solar panels on the facade can offer a solution. For Marloes, the best compliment is when no one notices that there are solar panels on the facade.

Grab an Green

More and more North Hollanders are taking action to tackle climate change. Residents change their lifestyle, buy responsibly and insulate their homes. Entrepreneurs see opportunities and break new ground with sustainable products and services. You can see it on TV every Tuesday in the program Pak An Groen.

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