Palworld: where to find sulfur

Sulfur is a key resource for a handful of uses in Palworld, and in this guide we explain where you can find it.

Finding Palworld sulfur is a bit difficult, because the material is less common than a normal piece of stone, but it is necessary for high-level crafting in the Pokemon-like game. The problem is that sulfur is a rather rare item and one of the few that is better found in dungeons than in the overworld.

However, there are other areas to check for extra deposits, and our Palworld sulfur guide tells you where to look.

How to find sulfur in Palworld —

Sulfur in Palworld is a mined mineral, so a pickaxe is required for efficient harvesting. You can also punch the rock and get a few pieces of sulfur, but this method takes an absurd amount of time. Sulfur deposits are large rocks with the white outline and shine that means they can be collected, and the rock itself is yellow, like the one above which you can see below. The problem is finding the sulfur nuclei.

Where to find sulfur —

Sulfur nuclei are uncommon compared to stone and ore. Some players say they can be found in sandy areas, but in our experience this isn’t too accurate, not for an average sandy area, at least. Sulfur deposits crop up in the desert biome, around the volcano, and in some seemingly random hilly and mountainous locations.

Again, there aren’t many of them. The best thing to find sulfur in Palworld is to go to the overworld dungeons. These are scattered throughout the map, and while they have a timer that makes them disappear, they usually reappear at least once or twice a day in the same location.

palworld sulphur

Not all dungeons have sulfur deposits, but one we’ve consistently found is near the third fast travel point, just south of Rayne’s tower. Enter and you should find one or two sulfur nodes in the first chamber alone. There is a second cave on the beach south of the starting point that some players say contains sulfur, although we checked several times and never found any.

palworld sulphur

These caves are still the best choice early in the game, before you reach level 20. The desert to the northeast and the volcano to the southwest are high-level areas, so if you run into an aggressive Pal it won’t end well . The caves usually house Syndicate criminals, but the AI ​​is so poor that even if they are several levels above you, you can get through them without any problems.

What is sulfur used for in Palworld —

Sulfur is a fundamental element for the production of gunpowder, necessary for ammunition. As you might guess, ammunition is for weapons. If you plan on using firearms and arming your Pals with firearms as well, you can expect to need quite a bit of sulfur and gunpowder. Be sure to use them sparingly.

Written by Josh Broadwell for GLHF
