Paluani, the historic pandoro company fails

The confectionery company had a debt of around 82 million euros. Since last year the production activities had already passed to Sperlari

The court of Verona declared the bankruptcy of Paluani Spathe historic confectionery company based in Dossobuono owned by the Campedelli family, already known for having owned the Chievo-Verona.

declared the bankruptcy of Paluani

In fact, judge Maria Attanasio considered the financial crisis that hit Paluani too serious, crushed under the weight of 82 million euros of debt, while a sum of 815 thousand euros was made available to creditors, equal to 1% of the entire debt amount. For this reason, the Court of Verona revoked admission to the composition with creditors procedure, declaring bankruptcy also due to the lack of guarantees to ensure the sale of the real estate complex and the coverage of the commitments previously undertaken. The judge has appointed Matteo Creazzo and Andrea Rossi as receivers, summoning the creditors on 23 October for theliability examination.

Production activities sold to Sperlari

Furthermore, in July 2022, after an auction, the Paluani 1921 srl business branch had already been sold for 7.6 million in Sperlaria Cremona-based company controlled by the German multinational Katjes International, thus allowing save 48 jobs and to continue the business, through the sale of the brand, production and the factory in Dossobuono (Verona). Faced with the bankruptcy of Paulani Spa, Sperlari reassured consumers, as “Paluani products continue to be normally distributed in stores, obviously depending on the season. This was made possible thanks to the acquisition by Sperlari, the last year, of the brand and the factory. Paluani products therefore continue to be available to consumers and the brand is still a living heritage of the Italian confectionery tradition”.

the bankruptcy of chievo

To weigh on the crisis faced by Paluani were also the debts accumulated by Chievo, which itself declared bankruptcy last year. The confectionery company known for the production of pandoro, panettone and doves, in fact, in 2021 had said it have 3.5 million against Chievo as a shareholder loan in addition to having “given guarantees for around 11.7 million” to the club “on a debt exposure that as of 19 October 2021 was equal to 6.9 million”.
