Paloschi restarts from Serie D: “He scored after one minute like against Milan”

The striker, 33 years old, leaves from Desenzano: “Here to win a challenge. I’ll tell you my ‘everything right away’ story

From our correspondent Francesco Pietrella


– Desenzano del Garda (Brescia)

Alberto Paloschi doesn’t believe in destiny, but perhaps he could consider a couple of clues. After a life in professionalism he chose to start again from Desenzano del Garda, in Serie D, a place where the days pass by more slowly. And the first goal of his new challenge is reminiscent of that famous slap scored against Siena in 2008, which hit the net after 18 seconds on the day of his debut in Serie A. Then years later, on an afternoon at the end of September, Alberto scored in almost the same way, entering twenty minutes from the end and stinging the first ball he touched.
