Palmhöltjes parade: ‘People used to look forward to this’ | 1Limburg

Venlo has cherished the tradition for years to organize a palm tree procession the week before Easter. That is why many children from Venlo and Blerick took part in the parade this year.

They reenact the moment when Jesus rode his donkey through the streets of Jerusalem, with the people cheering after him.

To cherish
In Blerick and Venlo, children followed the music with a self-decorated palm tree, a stick with a tenderloin, nuts, raisins, mandarins and sweets. The palm höltjes procession is mainly run in Limburg. As busy as it was, it’s a forgotten tradition. Petro Janssen of the Stichting Kinderfeesten Venlo thinks it is a shame. He wants to nurture these kinds of traditions with the foundation. “People used to look forward to these kinds of days, now people are busy and there is little ambition to continue this tradition. In Venlo they do.”

The organization does not dare to guess how many children have participated. Anyone can join. Not only children, but also parents, uncles and aunts and grandparents walk along. One of those grandparents is Annemie de Hair from Venlo, as a little girl she also walked the palm tree parade. Later she took her children with her and now her grandchildren. “It’s back to back then, you’re a kid again for a while.” Many children who walk along do not know the story of Palm Easter, but Annemie has told her grandchildren. Partly because of her, her grandson can sing a special song about the journey.

Stick with candy
Most kids find the candy cane the most interesting and the wafer being handed out. Annemie remembers that she was always allowed to get an ice cream. Petro Janssen of the Children’s Festivities Foundation understands that many children do not know the biblical story. “The faith is diminishing and children love to walk with the music and we are keeping a tradition alive and that’s important.”
