Palio di Siena, the Dragon wins. For Tittia it is the eighth success

Giovanni Atzeni, a 37-year-old German-Italian jockey, led the horse Zio Frac, a rookie in the Piazza, to triumph. Only six Contrade participated in the race

A suffered and historical palio. In Siena, the contrada del Drago wins the race held after the 2020 and 2021 editions were skipped due to Covid. In the Palio dedicated to the Madonna di Provenzano triumphed the horse Zio Frac ridden by the jockey Giovanni Atzeni known as Tittia, who with this success has already won the Sienese race 8 times. Atzeni, an Italian-German jockey born in Nagold (Germany) on April 13, 1985, made three of a kind, having won both 2019 Poles, the last ones that had been raced: in July for the Giraffe – on such and which – and in August for la Selva when his horse – Remorex – had shaken the finish line.

A suffered Palio, it was said, because it was run only by six horses, an event that cannot be remembered in living memory. In the morning the horses of Civetta and Istrice were stopped by the veterinarians of the municipality, then during the interminable Mossa – which lasted almost an hour – the Leocorno that was running up and then also the Caterpillar due to a fall of the jockey had to withdraw. Scangeo, in one of the 5 false moves.

The race was immediately dominated by Uncle Frac, the Dragon’s horse, worried only for half of the first lap by the Panther, which ended up running after Leocorno’s retirement. Three trips in the lead for Tittia who only in the final sprint had to defend herself from the return of the horse of the Tower, Angel’s face, well guided by Scompiglio.
