Palestinian shot dead after attack on three Israeli soldiers | Abroad

According to the Israeli Ambulance Service Magen David Adon, one of the Israeli soldiers was seriously injured and the two others are slightly injured.

The incident took place near the West Bank town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron. The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirms that the driver has died. It is said to be a 23-year-old man from a neighboring village who was a member of the Palestinian security forces.

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has escalated again in recent months, at least 86 Palestinians and 13 Israelis, including children, have been killed by 2023, according to a recent count. In 2022, the death toll on the Palestinian side alone reached 100 in October. That seems to be happening a lot earlier this year. Now that Ramadan has started, more violence is feared.
