Palestinian demonstration in Berlin despite the ban

Participants in the demo of various Palestinian groups walk through Neukölln (archive image) Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Fabian Sommer

From BZ/dpa

Despite the ban on a Palestinian demonstration, dozens of people have gathered in Berlin-Kreuzberg, according to the police.

A police spokeswoman said that a group of 80 to 100 women and men who could be assigned to the originally planned gathering joined a rally of Berlin Jews and Israelis who supported them on Saturday at Oranienplatz.

This group made anti-Semitic statements, as police interpreters and language mediators registered. According to the spokeswoman, several people were excluded and advertisements were made. There were also scuffles.

According to the police, members of the Jewish Forum were harassed. “We produce ads ex officio,” said the police on Twitter. The managing director of the German Union of Journalists (dju), Jörg Reichel, reports on Twitter that at least four press representatives were harassed, attacked and obstructed by the participants in the rally. The police behave passively, Reichel accused the officials. “Please speak to our emergency services on site and file a complaint,” the police tweeted.

According to their own statements, the police were on the road with around 230 emergency services. After the ban on the demonstrations on the Nakba expulsion memorial day, she announced that she would be more present at the originally planned demonstration route in Neukölln and Kreuzberg.


Antisemitism Berlin Police Demonstration Israel Jews Palestinians
