Palermo, Baldini resigns: “I choose dignity, I don’t feel part of the project”.

The rosanero coach at the press conference: “I wanted to bring the team to Serie A, but there are no conditions”. With him he also leaves the ds Castagnini

Not feeling part of the project anymore. The day after his resignation, Silvio Baldini motivates his decision to leave the Palermo bench. And he is not the only one, because Renzo Castagnini is also talking with him, who accompanied him in his choice to resign the position of sporting director. “I feel I am not part of the property project and this does not allow me to work with the right peace of mind. Since I started today, I have seen that there are no conditions for coaching the team – explains Baldini -. My soul is predisposed to only one purpose: to bring the team to Serie A “. Although the new ownership of the City Group had not asked him, but the reasons for the breakup of him and Castagnini lie in other aspects. “Last year we won the playoffs not because we were the strongest team, but the strongest group. We deserved the results, I played 25 games as a manager and 23 results, scoring for 24 games in a row. These are results that can say that we are also a strong team, but it is the result of the group and the group is gone today. With these assumptions do I have to wait five or six bad figures and then be kicked out to get a salary, or leave the place to others? “.


It is easy to say what caused this change, Baldini is not hiding. The technician had asked for confirmation of the hard core who had won the Serie B, mostly about to expire, and had also been indulged, but evidently it was not enough. “There were some players who thought they would get a better salary by going up to B and they didn’t, others who waited 10 days to get the same gig as C, a whole series of my collaborators are not happy. If instead of the enthusiasm to win the A I have a whole series of sadnesses, including renewals of contracts and others who wanted to improve the contract, you won’t play it “. But there was also something else that didn’t make him feel central to the project. “A physiotherapist has arrived and has added two physiotherapists to the three masseurs we have, plus a professor for rehabilitation. If I send a physiotherapist and a trainer to Guardiola without asking him, do you think Guardiola is silent? ”.


The Tuscan technician then reveals a background. “First Gardini and then Mirri tried in every way to make us give up. When we met the president, I explained to him that I did not feel at the center of the project and I asked him if he was still the owner: ‘would he have done it for me a year of contract?’. He told me he would do it again in C. If they don’t, do I have to feel at the center of the project? The market has nothing to do with it, purchases are things we talked about and Castagnini tried to operate at his best. The problem is one of trust, I was surrounded by discontent from everyone, from the warehouse workers to the players. In football there is no time and the defeat in the friendly match against Pisa was the litmus test for my step backwards for me. I live with emotions to be transmitted to the players, who if they get in tune become the strongest of all. It is with work that they succeed and I need their soul. Then I don’t have it with anyone, I just have to thank Mirri because he gave me the opportunity to come to Palermo. I will always be a fan and I will come and see him in the corners with the scarf ”.
