Pakket met largest asteroïde-staal ooit geland op aarde: “This can be found on the planet of Leven onthullen” | Wetenschap & Planet

A day for the American military agency NASA: at 4.52 p.m. Belgian time is the package from the asteroid Bennu on the ground. The OSIRIS-REx probe contains 250 grams of light steel for three years and is now available in a capsule in the USA in the American state of Utah. A primeur for the Americans and meteen also the largest staal of a ruimterots ooit that is on the ground.

In 2016, NASA launched the OSIRIS-REx test. Hun doelwit? The asteroid Bennu, a structure with a diameter of 500 meters, was discovered in 1999. The structure used for this example is not something we can talk about.

KIJK. The capsule is geland

Why do we want to destroy a piece of the asteroid Bennu?

These asteroids also have a wide range of capsules that can be used in the fire. Het zijn overblijfselen uit de tijd toen de planeten zich vormden in ons zonnestelsel. The material inside the asteroids can be verified and followed by inspection, so that they can come over the surface of the asteroids on the surface and on the planet. This is what the oorsprong kent van het stukje Bennu that je meevoert and that het ‘ongerept’ is. Bij meteorites that are here on the horizon are not there. The two bijvoorbeeld are touched by the door in the open air and last for a long time on the air. The OSIRIS-REx mission is much more interesting.

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Than Bennu toch zou neerstorten op aarde, zijn 500 meters voldoende om de Benelux van de kaart te vegen. © AP

This is Bennu also kozenen omdat het a Ziehaamde koolstofrijke ruimterots is. Wetenschappers are able to use complex fuel connections in different schools, which are the building materials that need to be developed for life on a planet. The use of organic materials here in the surrounding area is called no steeds and an on-site solution. Are you here on the spot? Of course there was a problem with the lift on an asteroid that was here on the planet, but what?

Tot slot what he still had a different doel waarom NASA directed Bennu trok. The name of the small asteroid can be in a verre toekomst op onze planet terechtkomt. The size is between 2135 and 2300, but the heels are also small. In September 2182 the rate was 0.04%. Than Bennu toch zou neerstorten op aarde, zijn 500 meters voldoende om de Benelux van de kaart te vegen. Door Bennu te bestuden can we in the toekomst onszelf beter beschermen tegen nieuwe bedreigingen vanuit de ruimte.

Is this the first time that the material of an asteroid can be verzamelen and terugbrengen to the air?

He is a prime minister for the Americans, but not for the world. In 2010 the Japanese were given the first Hayabusa missie. This brings less than one milligram of the asteroid 25143 Itokawa terug to the air. In 2020 the result of the two-tone missile with 5.4 grams of material was released from the Ryugu asteroid. The 250 gram meegenome from OSIRIS-REx is not the first material available, which we can use.

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In 2020, the two Japanese missiles brought 5.4 grams of material from the asteroid Ryugu to the air.
In 2020, the two Japanese missiles brought 5.4 grams of material from the asteroid Ryugu to the air. © EPA

How about the OSIRIS-REx missie he precies uit?

The OSIRIS-REx test probe was delivered to Bennu in September 2016. The chair has two solar panels with a length of 6.2 m and a height of 2.4 to 3.2 meters. It took 2 years for the device to be in the building before the asteroid and was still 2 years old with a clever landing platform in the wind.

On October 20, 2020 it was announced. The “touch and go” maneuver uses OSIRIS-REx with a 3 meter long cosmic material made from asteroid material. A technologically advanced device with a range of noise sensors at the moment is over 320 million kilometers away. There is an opportunity to pass the door, which gives you an option for the missieleiding. On thanks to this, he had a large amount of material that was not covered in any way. Ruim over the doelstelling of 60 grams.

Now, after 7 years and 7 billion kilometers, the Ruimtesonde Terug comes to the office.

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The “touch and go” maneuver uses OSIRIS-REx with a 3 meter long cosmic material made from asteroid material.
The “touch and go” maneuver uses OSIRIS-REx with a 3 meter long cosmic material made from asteroid material. © AP

How will the package come with the items from the asteroid Bennu on the air?

Op 100,000 kilometers of the air, ongeveer a derde van de afstand tot de maand, lanceerde de Ruimtesonde a capsule met daarin het staal dirting de onze planet. Four hours later the distance was 44,500 kilometers per hour in the atmosphere, the temperature was around 2700 °C. It’s a good thing that he has a heat shield that protects him. Om nog verder after te remmen, maakt de capsule gebruik van parachutes. The landing fee is 18 kilometers per hour in a protected location in the American state of Utah.

A part of Bennu is now in the laboratory over the world. The rest is distributed in a small way for future generations.

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A bergingsteam 4 helicopters tested the capsule in such a short time that they were able to get the information from the equipment with the material to be used.
A bergingsteam 4 helicopters tested the capsule in such a short time that they were able to get the information from the equipment with the material to be used. © AP

What does he currently rate?

The device also has a new name, OSIRIS-APEX. The new object is in the 370 meter large asteroid Apophis. The nadert de aarde in 2029 dead op zo’n 32,000 kilometers. Al hoeven we never had the opportunity to have one inslag. Berekeningen door wetenschappers given aan dat de kans daarop zoed as onbestaand is.

The dense passage is the ideal moment for OSIRIS-APEX to be in a small area around Apophis. What follows is the 18th month of the year, when the Apophis seeds are stored in the map.

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