Pakistani Prime Minister Khan has lost confidence in parliament | Abroad

Khan is the first Prime Minister in Pakistani history to be overthrown in this way. He was accused of poor leadership and incompetence in economic matters. Prices for foodstuffs and fuel, among other things, have increased enormously in the Asian country with approximately 220 million inhabitants. The corona crisis played an important role in this.

The supporters of the ruling parties did not wait for the result and left the meeting room early. Opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif thanked those present for their support in this struggle. “This unity will rebuild Pakistan,” he said.

The Pakistani population had been anxiously awaiting the vote since the early hours of the morning. The Supreme Court ordered it to be kept on Thursday, after it had been trained for nearly a week as unconstitutional. Parliament Speaker Asad Qaiser, a close confidant of Khan, also caused delays on Saturday, until he unexpectedly resigned shortly before midnight, paving the way for a vote.

The government quarter in Islamabad was guarded by hundreds of security officials after dark. Access roads to the parliament building had been blocked by containers for days for fear of violent protests.
