“Pajares de Yuso and Bajo Campo”, the controversial way in which the BOE calls the Catalan counties

“Pajares de Yuso, Plana de Urgel, Bajo Campo, La Tierra Alta…”. These are some of the nomenclatures to which he resorts Official State Gazette (BOE) to refer to the regions of Catalonia, causing a sensation that ranges from stupor to indignation. This was published this Wednesday, September 14 in an official document of the entity that has been disclosed by the ‘ex-president’ of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont on his Twitter account.

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“The insult to Catalan language ya your official language status (also of toponyms) has been published in the BOE. The government is grotesquely disrespectful. Laughing at our words is a way of xenophobia. An official offense against the language of an entire people”, maintains the former leader, who publishes an image of the official document in question, in which the list of the counties directly translated into Spanish appears, without respecting the official name.

The controversial publication comes at a time of tension over the use or not of the 25% of Spanish in the Catalan classrooms.
