Päivi Storgård’s divorce turned into an engagement and a summer wedding

Reporter Päivi Storgård told about her resignation at the beginning of the year. Now she tells about the happy turn of events in Me Naiset magazine.

Päivi Storgård’s resignation turned into happiness. PASI LEISMA

Supplier Päivi Storgård, 57, said they divorced in January. However, in the most recent Me Naiset magazine, Storgård talks about his big changes. Now a ring glitters in the nameless one on the left.

– I am engaged, and there are also plans for a wedding. Maybe not next summer, but some summer anyway, Storgård tells the magazine.

It’s engaged Kaleva Tikkamäki, 58. According to their words, Storgård and Tikkamäki faced a seven-year crisis. Hopes and plans for the future were in the air. Storgård wanted to spend more time in the city, while Tikkamäki wanted him to be in the country.

After the divorce, Storgård spent more than two months in Italy. He found himself missing Tikkamäki. When Storgård returned from the trip, he didn’t even begin to pack the moving load.

– A few weeks ago, I was on a day off when Kaleva came up to me, stroked my hair and asked if I wanted to marry him. I answered yes without a moment’s hesitation. Our divorce was canceled in that moment, Storgård says and describes the turn as wonderful.

– The longing and sadness of the impending separation changed in an instant to great joy. I hope and believe that we will stay together for the rest of our lives, he says.

Source: We women
