Pages of history: writers, journalists and intellectuals in Gaeta (Latina) part of the National History Festivalpart of the project that celebrates 160 years of bond between Gaeta and the Navy, the appointments of Pages of history they host writers, journalists and intellectuals.

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Carlo Lucarelli (photo by Rosdiana Ciaravolo / Getty Images).

The 29 Carlo Lucarelli thinks about “Italy of mysteries, a story yet to be written” (Friday 29 July at 21.30). Following, Melania Mazzucco (Saturday 22 October 6.30 pm)Antonio Scurati (Saturday 19 November 6.30 pm) e Paolo Mieli (Saturday 10 December at 18.30).
Free entry.
INFO: Gaeta (Latina), Church of SS Annunziata, until 10 December.
