Package of measures for improving legal protection in tendering in consultation | News item

News item | 7/14/2023 | 15:06

The government wants to improve the legal protection of entrepreneurs in tendering procedures. The bill that should regulate this is now going through internet consultation. The aim of the bill is to create a balance between the interests of entrepreneurs and the interests of contracting authorities. In addition, the interests of other tenderers are also taken into account before the award of a contract, and the winning entrepreneur after the award. It is important that they do not remain in uncertainty for an unnecessarily long time.

Research commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has shown that entrepreneurs are currently dissatisfied with the legal protection offered in tenders. This bill is an important step to change this and to do justice to the interests of all parties involved.

The bill provides for various amendments to tenders, so that entrepreneurs can raise issues in tenders in an easily accessible manner and have their case substantively assessed. For example, complaints desks will be made mandatory, maximum terms will be set for handling complaints and the role of the Committee of Procurement Experts will be strengthened.

As a result, entrepreneurs can better defend themselves against decisions of contracting authorities that may be in conflict with the rules of procurement law. More information can be found at
