Pablo Lima leaves padel. Carraro: ‘An example for everyone’

The great Brazilian champion retires at 37 years old after over 50 career titles. “I had the privilege of doing beautiful work”

Pablo Lima was one of the best padel players ever. And yesterday, “el canon de Porto Alegre” was moved after his last career match. The one lost with a double 6-3 against Juan Lebron and Ale Galan, paired with Agustin Silingo who had the honor of accompanying a phenomenon like Pablo until the last exchange. Over 50 titles won in his career and a history that has left its mark, helping to bring padel to today’s levels. The whole world of padel, through social messages, paid homage to the career of Lima, 37 years old in November. The Brazilian national team shirt was his second skin: it is with which he played the World Cup several times, with a fantastic sense of attachment towards his country. He should have retired at the end of the year, but had to give up early due to back problems that shortened his final season.

the greeting

“I had the privilege of doing a beautiful job – his words, moved -. I leave padel very happy and satisfied, with the knowledge that I have always respected this sport to the maximum.” From Fernando Belasteguin to Juani Mieres (with the latter he formed the legendary couple of “Los Principes”), from Agustin Tapia to Paquito Navarro to Ale Galan, up to Franco Stupaczuk, with whom Lima won two Premier Padel titles in 2022, in Mendoza and New Giza, the whole padel world greeted the Brazilian. “It took us four and a half years to do what we said, throwing ourselves headlong into every ball in every training session – ‘Bela’ thought -. We were very strong when we had to deal with major injuries, we really appreciated the victories but also the commitment every day. Twenty years as a professional athlete, but nothing compares to the best triumph of your life: the family you have formed has no expiration date, because you will be Victor’s father for life.”

the homage

A tribute also arrived from a moved Paquito Navarro. “I had the privilege of sharing the track with you. You were a reference who marked an era in our sport and to whom we will always be grateful for what you did on and off the pitch.” Thought shared by Ale Galan. “You have left an impeccable legacy and a path for the younger ones to follow. Thank you for bringing this sport to where it is today. Thanks for keeping everyone entertained.”


“There is a very particular type of emotion that you feel in front of those who are able to ignite passion to the point of becoming its symbol and point of reference – the words of the president of the FIP, Luigi Carraro -. Pablo Lima is and was one of these and not only for the successes achieved on courts all over the world, but also and above all for the spirit with which he wore the shirt of his country in the various editions of the Padel World Championships. A shirt with which he represented Brazil, its Federation and its people, perfectly embodying the high competitive value, passion and belonging of his people. This is why Pablo was and remains a great example for all of us and for the new generations who will have the task of bringing this sport ever higher.”
