Pablo Iglesias reappears in the Balearic Islands after a low profile campaign

05/20/2023 at 09:49


The former Vice President of the Government participates this Saturday in a campaign event in the Balearic Islands after diminishing his public presence in recent days, in which he has focused on supporting the party from his audiovisual platform, Canal Red

Pablo Iglesias returns to rally for we can The former Vice President of the Government participates this Saturday in a campaign event in the Balearic Islands after his public presence has diminished in recent days, in which he has focused on supporting the party from his audiovisual platform, Canal Red.

The former vice president already starred in an act on Monday in Canary Islands to support the purple candidate, Noemi Santanaand this Saturday he will do the same with the head of the Podemos list in the Balearic Islands, Antonia Jover. Both territories have something in common: the right and left blocks are equal and the purple ones aspire to be the key for the formation of the Government and thus reissue the already existing coalitions.

Beyond some veiled dart at Yolanda Díaz, when she vindicated the policy of the clash against those who sought to lower the noise, Iglesias has passed more or less unnoticed in the first half of the campaign. An expert in generating controversies with more or less repercussions, he has avoided the media spotlight by exhibiting an unusual tone.

despite his departure from institutional policy in May 2021, Iglesias has always remained within the party, which vindicates him as one of its main figures, and has risen as the voice that says what organic charges cannot say. The situation became especially evident as the struggle with his successor in leadership of the space, Yolanda Díaz, intensified. The former purple leader broadcast the distance between Sumar and Podemoswith almost daily replies to the Galician style that grabbed a multitude of headlines.

The clash reached its climax at the beginning of April, when Díaz presented his candidacy in Magariños without the support of Podemos. But in recent weeks the strategy has changed. The party has worked to tone down the conflict to prevent division from penalize in campaign and get to demobilize to the voter Iglesias, following this same line, has also reduced his role in the electoral period.

‘Iglesias effect’ on the right

The figure of the former leader of Podemos arouses great passions among his electorate, but also strong rejection among his adversaries, and this argument could explain his low profile. This was also precisely one of the reasons that he used when he left, which is now two years old.

“When your role in the organization is limited and mobilizes the worst of democracy hatersone has to make decisions”, he assured after the electoral fiasco against Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in the video where he announced his departure and also designated Díaz as successor candidate and Ione Belarra as general secretary of the party.

There is a risk that Iglesias, by acquiring national projection in the campaign, will end up provoking the opposite effect to the desired one, going so far as to mobilize the conservative electorate. In this context, the former vice president has Be careful your interventions in the media to avoid the dust, he has avoided fueling the internal discrepancies on the left of the PSOE and has focused on speak to the already convincedstanding up as a mere speaker of the party and spreading its messages through social networks or presence in gatherings.

Especially relevant in this task has been the role of Network Channel, defined by Iglesias himself as a “militant television”, aimed at the Podemos militancy, and used as a platform to amplify the message of the party’s main leaders. During this week alone, there have been at least ten interventions by heavyweights, from their spokespersons Isa Serra or Pablo Fernández, to the secretary of the Purple Organization, Lilith Verstrynge or the general secretary herself, Ione Belarra, among others.
