Pablo Iglesias, on Yolanda Díaz’s platform: “Surely Podemos will know”

05/19/2022 at 00:00


You caught me off guard“. paul churches reacted in this way to the launch of ‘Sumar’, Yolanda Díaz’s platform, on the microphones of Cadena Ser. The exclusive published by El Periódico de España, newspaper of the same group, Prensa Ibérica, that this newspaper has caught the former vice president Government in an interview on the program ‘Hora 25’, where Aimar Bretos asked about the registration of this association.

The leader, who did not know the details of this information, has admitted that “I didn’t know but it looks good to me“. Asked if this brand had been agreed with Podemos, Iglesias has said he trusts that it is: “I have no idea, but I am not the one to know that. Surely Podemos and the rest of the parties will know it “.” I didn’t know it but maybe in Podemos they did know it, I don’t know”, he insisted shortly after.

In any case, the former leader of Podemos and current president of his ‘think thank’, Republic Institutehas ensured that “it’s time to be prudent and respectful“: “I think it is a wish of all the people on the left that there be a kind of broad confluence where everyone is respected, the parties, the militants, the people are respected and that at the same time there are dynamics that add as many actors as possible & rdquor ;.

The strong tensions between the party and the second vice president of the Government have emerged in recent weeks, even more so after Iglesias himself launched a wear operation against Yolanda Díaz. Podemos sees its position within the Galician project threatened, which has announced its intention to disassociate itself from political organizations and has launched this brand with the aim of politically emancipating itself.

The lack of an organization or party to support her has been one of the problems faced by the candidate, who now will have its own CIF. And this was precisely the argument used by Podemos to assert itself in the future candidacy: they were considered necessary for the project because considered “impossible” to pivot a political project without an organization behind. An aspect that the Vice President of the Government wanted to insist on this Wednesday night.

In this sense, Iglesias has also spoken, who has been asked about the main mistake he has made in politics, and in his response the leader has sent a message to Yolanda Díaz. “Perhaps not having been aware at the beginning of the importance of organizing a party”; he has detailed, admitting that “for a long time I neglected something that seemed tedious, boring”, such as “organization”.
