Paaspop visitors start the day with sausage rolls and ‘alcohol-free’

The first Easter doll morning brought mud, cold and for many a hangover. Fortunately, the Brabant Buske came to the rescue with hot sausage rolls. After all, nothing is better than starting the day with ‘unne goeje bojum’.

Profile photo of Eva de Schipper

Mud and rain. The white-red van defies it all to reach the festival site. When presenter Thomas Wustman knocks on one of the tents, a voice sounds: “I think you’re at the wrong tent.”

When the couple realizes what is happening, they have to laugh: “It’s romantic in the tent, but it’s terribly cold!” The warm sausage rolls are therefore received with thanks. “Are you coming back tomorrow?”

A group of young people from Heeswijk-Dinther crawl out of their tents and stretch. Paaspop is familiar territory for them. “This year is the seventh or eighth time we go.” But it is the first time at the campsite, says one of the gentlemen in his underpants in front of the muddy tent. How do you keep that up? “To bed on time, of course,” he laughs.

“This is alcohol-free!”

Thickly wrapped in coats and blankets, a group of girls unzip their tent flaps. Less than five tents further, two boys walk across the festival campsite with a tray of beer. Not a strange sight because another group of young people is sitting in a circle of garden chairs discussing the previous evening. Quickly, one covers his beer can: “It’s alcohol-free!”

A few frankfurters float in murky water in a transparent kettle. It looks nasty. “But yes, this weekend is also just dirty!”, Jeroen (24) laughs from Kapelle. “Had some sandwiches and it was pretty good.” Together with his mates he sits in front of their tents, recovering from a night they describe only as ‘cold and damp’. To report? Certainly not. “Just some beer and on!”, it sounds in agreement.

“That’s nice weather!”

Not everyone has been cold. “I think I have the only heated tent at Paaspop,” says Kevin from Eindhoven. He crawls into his tent to show a small stove, neatly arranged next to his double air mattress. “That’s nice and warm!”, he laughs. In addition, he also has his sandwich maker, kettle and cool box with him. “Why go to the campsite when you can go to the glamping?”

The sausage rolls are warmly received by all festival goers. With sighs and moans the campsite gets going. Many are getting ready for Saturday’s headlines, such as Duncan Lawrence, Joost, George Ezra and Goldband. But real plans? “We’ll see,” says a camper.

Sleep in or not. The atmosphere is good. See more? Watch the Brabants Buske from 5.45 pm at Omroep Brabant TV or on the website.

READ ALSO: Paaspop: muddy shoes and banging headlines on the first night
