P2E Games: New era of video game addiction and gold mine for investors?

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The digital world is unfolding in exciting new ways. In the midst of this shift are play-to-earn games, which have the potential to change gaming forever. But these games also raise questions: are we facing a new form of gambling addiction with tougher regulations, or is a new gold mine opening up for investors? Let yourself be surprised by our findings. You can now get a deeper insight in the following article.

The hidden addiction behind video games

Video games can be incredibly addicting. They offer complex worlds and stories for players to immerse themselves in, and numerous challenges that will test gamers’ skills and strategic thinking.

However, it’s no secret that video games can also be addictive. The WHO (World Health Organization) recognized gaming disorder as an actual disease in 2018underscoring the seriousness of the situation.

In addition, a Oxford University study from 2019 that up to 3% of the surveyed gamers could have an addiction. These numbers increase in the younger age groupsindicating that addiction often begins at a young age.

With more and more advanced, realistic and complex games on the market, the increase probability that these numbers will increase in the future.

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The addictive spiral of P2E games: gaming, gambling and trading


In play-to-earn games, it will Gaming combined with elements of gambling and trading. The gamers can earn real money by collecting and trading in-game resources, but also by creating.

This new economy offers great incentives to spend more time in the game and therefore could be even more addictive than traditional video games. Because not only gaming is addictive, but also trading and gambling.

One Cambridge University study from 2020 has shown that approx 1% of the world’s population have a gambling problem has. With the increasing digitization and the advent of online gambling, this number could increase.

As well makes trading addictive, although there are no studies on this yet. However, the number should be at least as high as for gambling addiction. However, these aspects are at the heart of P2E Gameswhich could lead to an even stronger addiction.

How much could P2E games spread due to addiction?


According to the Global Games Market Report 2021 there is about 2.8 billion active video gamers worldwide. With a world population of around 7.9 billion people in 2021, that would mean that approximately 35% of the world population Playing video games. According to information from H2 Gambling Capital cheated the Global gambling participation in 2020 about 26% of the world population.

Considering these numbers, one could speculate that P2E gaming has a potential Target audience of around 26% to 35% of the world population could achieve, since these games combine elements from both video games and gambling. Become of these probably only 1 to 3% addictedsince this is also the range observed for video and gambling addiction.

However, it is important to note that this is a pretty rough estimate is. Not everyone who plays video games or gambles will necessarily be interested in P2E gaming. Conversely, P2E games could also appeal to new target groups that have not previously played video or gambling games. Therefore, this estimate should be considered as a guide only, requiring further investigation. In addition, the Content creation can also be referred to as work, although this can also be addictive.

Invest now in a combination of charity and gaming!

The explosive combination: P2E games, players, investors and regulators

The combination of these addictive aspects has Impact on games, gamers, investors and regulators:

  • gamers could become even more addicted to P2E games, which can lead to serious psychological and financial problems. They could also generate their own income and thus turn their hobby into a profession.
  • investors could also be drawn into this addiction spiral as they are drawn to the high potential gains. However, blockchain game projects could also present themselves as a particularly lucrative investment opportunity, although there are also risks with regard to future regulations.
  • regulators could face new challenges as P2E games involve aspects of gaming, gambling and trading. This could result in them being regulated by both gambling and financial markets regulators, as well as possibly being taxed.
  • cryptogames could be influenced in many ways by the addictive aspects and possible regulations. On the one hand, a much higher demand is possible, on the other hand, some of them are also exposed to a greater risk due to possible future regulations.

Invest early in an innovative P2E game!

Possible regulations and outlook on future developments:

With the growing popularity of P2E games, it is expected that they will continue to develop rapidly. However, it is also probably they increasingly in the focus of regulatory authorities. Stricter regulations may be introduced in the future, to limit the risks of P2E games. This could be about Age restrictions, limits on in-game transactions, or stricter risk disclosure requirements include. Yet it is likely that P2E games will continue to grow as they offer new and exciting opportunities. However, gamers, investors and regulators should be aware of the risks and prepare accordingly.

Combination of P2E games and charity takes climate protection to the next level

Chimpzee 8

The extraordinary P2E project Chimpzee offers a unique Combination of gaming with climate and environmental protection. First of all, it is a P2E Game with AI technology, in which players must protect the rainforest and endangered species as a semi-mechanical monkey. But in real life, too Share of proceeds and 10% of all tokens donated to sustainable organizations. Some projects have already been supported and a considerable amount of funding has been achieved. However, investors could also benefit in the long term if they Get 160% price increases, 125% deposit bonus and 18% staking return.

Invest in an innovative AI P2E game now!

The upgraded Bitcoin on Ethereum enters the arena


With the help of the new type of Bitcoin on Ethereum, investors once again have the opportunity to Investing in bitcoin when it was just a dollar back in 2011. This dream can now become a reality with BTC20. Because it is an innovative variant that instead of the computationally intensive and environmentally harmful proof-of-work, the consensus mechanism proof-of-stake uses. This means investors generate a return for staking their tokenswhich in the case of BTC20 at 65% per year lies. Moreover, the new token offers significantly lower transaction costs and improved interoperabilitysince it is compatible with all applications and protocols on Ethereum.

Invest now early in Bitcoin on Ethereum!

Revolutionary memecoin ignites investors’ dark energy


Evil Pepe, a novel memecoin, offers an investment opportunity with a particularly low market capitalization and therefore a significant potential for price increases. It’s about this evil counterpart to the most popular memecoin of 2023, which had a market cap of nearly $2 billion. The token was dated created by the same experienced team that has already helped $THUG, $SPONGE and $HANKEY to make strong gains. He is also accompanied by a group of influencers and a professional marketing company supports. Even with a market cap of $100 million, investors can make a profit of over 50x on the presale.

Invest in the dark side of memecoins now!

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About the author: Simon Feldhusen first came into contact with the stock market 17 years ago and has been dealing intensively with trading, cryptoassets, stocks, P2P, corporate finance, finance and entrepreneurship on a daily basis for more than 8 years. He has also been working as a copywriter and ghostwriter in the financial sector for several years. During this time he has acquired a diversified knowledge through various training courses on the financial markets and following the daily news. Since then, not a day has gone by that he hasn’t engaged with the markets. He publishes for Finanzen.net, ETF-Nachrichten.de, Coincierge.de and P2E News.com.
