Ozzy Osbourne leaves America after mass shootings: ‘Everything is ridiculous there’ | Stars

In conversation with The Observer tells Ozzy Osbourne that he wants to return to the United Kingdom because of the mass shootings in the United States. “Everything is ridiculous there,” he says incensed. “I’m sick of it. God knows how many people have been shot in school shootings,” he continues. “And I don’t want to die in America. I don’t want to be buried in fucking Forest Lawn,” referring to a popular California cemetery where many celebrities are buried. “I am english. I want to go back. It’s just time for me to come home.”

His wife Sharon emphasizes that the choice to move again has nothing to do with his health problems. “I knew people would think that, but it’s just time. America has changed so drastically. It’s not the United States of America at all. It’s not unanimous at all. It’s a really weird place to live right now.”

Ozzy had neck surgery in mid-June. The rocker has had serious neck problems since an accident he had while riding a quad in 2003. When he had a nasty fall in 2019, those symptoms worsened and fifteen screws were put in his back. “I can no longer walk normally and need physiotherapy every morning. That helps a bit, but if I want to go on tour again, something drastic has to happen,” he said before his surgery. During his most recent surgery, the previously placed screws pins were removed and realigned.
