Ozempic-maker treks a million times with the product of a medium-sized product on the drijven | Medical

The new factory is 170,000 square meters in size and size as the doel om de productie van de afslankmiddelen Ozempic en Wegovy op te krikken. The use of medicine is extremely important in the medical field. There he is in different European countries, waaronder also Belgium, a great text in the middle. This is a problem for diabetes patients, for how the medicine itself is needed.

In Belgium, the FAGG Geneesmiddelenagentschap recently opened the Ozempic voorlopig alleen voor te schrijven aan diabetici en mensen with serious obesity.

KIJK. One journalist coopts Ozempic on the black market

Novo Nordisk-topman Lars Fruergaard Jorgensen said he wanted to be “in the future” and not in the state of the stone in the masses. All the talk about the product is now open. Thanks to the Ozempic hype, Novo Nordisk will be the first to achieve the highest demand in Europe.
