‘Özcan Akyol is very unkind in real life’

Isa Hoes confirms Marc-Marie Huijbregts’ claim that presenter Özcan Akyol is not such a nice man in real life. “Eus was very rude to me at the Boekenbal.”

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Marc-Marie Huijbregts told a curious anecdote about Özcan Akyol in his podcast a few months ago. “The first time I went to the Boekenbal Isa Hoes, a friend of mine, and I met Eus and he was very unkind. Usually everyone is nice, but he was just super unkind. He was very rude to Isa.”

‘Eus very unkind’

That anecdote gave Marc-Marie a big sneer from Özcan, but according to Isa he is right. “It was about the Boekenbal and that I had to be photographed there. A journalist came to me and said: ‘Would you like to take a picture with Eus?’ So I look and say: ‘Oh yes, of course I want that’”, the actress responds in The Friday Move

However, Özcan did not want to have a picture with Isa at all. “Eus says: ‘Why?’ So he was very rude to me and Marc-Marie was talking about that.”

‘My mouth fell open’

Marc-Marie was completely slaughtered in VI after his revelation about Özcan. The gentlemen shouted that Marc-Marie cannot do anything. Isa: “I was watching that evening and my mouth dropped open. I thought: how dare you? ‘He can’t do anything’? Then you should go to the theater, which he has been getting full for years, huh? With very good performances.”

For a moment Isa feared that she too would be slaughtered by VI. “So I thought: oh god, I’m watching once and now my name is going to be called. And Eus just started talking about Marc-Marie, it was a sneer at Marc-Marie, but I don’t know why, because Eus was being very rude to me. We have rectified that.”

Best friends

Why does Isa jump in the breach for Marc-Marie? “It’s one of my best, oldest friends.”

Incidentally, Marc-Marie has again shouted that he thinks Özcan has dead eyes. Podcast maker Gijs Groenteman thinks this is going too far: “Marc-Marie is on a collision course with Özcan Akyol, so he wants to hurt him where he can, I think, and vice versa. Marc-Marie says: ‘He’s not nice’. He’s just in a pinch.”


Isa and Marc-Marie at the Boekenbal:
