Özcan Akyol hands out another blow to Rob Goossens at VI: ‘Excuse me!’

Özcan Akyol, the crowd pleaser of Today Inside and the big star of the public broadcaster, will not be fooled. He shows tube whisperer Rob Goossens all corners of the room.


Being portrayed as someone who makes up the letters in his own letters section, including a somewhat dirty bit about Fidan Ekiz? The great television star Özcan Akyol does not accept it. He not only put Rob Goossens in his place via Twitter, but also gave him a verbal slap in the ratings hit last night Inside today.

Arguing with Rob

Wilfred Genee is shocked by all the quarrels that continuously break out in the media world. “All those people who argue in this profession… It’s partly because of you, actually. Since you joined this program, we have problems with everyone,” he says to Özcan in the broadcast.

He continues: “We were really good with that Van Roosmalen, then you suddenly started calling them Groenteboer. That Rob Goossens was always very happy here at the bar and now you have a fight with him again.”

‘Call out!’

René van der Gijp thinks it’s all just something. “What did you have with that Rob Goossens again?”

Özcan: “No, he had said that the articles I write in the VARA guide were made-up letters. But I sent a screenshot of those emails and then he was talking, but too bad to…”

Wilfred: “You wanted an apology.”

Özcan: “Yes, well, that was with a joke. You don’t have to, but admit it.”

Dispute past

Wilfred: “But he was also going to dispute your past, wasn’t he? That you ever had your own past… with a criminal past… eventually became a writer because of it.”

Özcan: “Yes, everything was brought in, just so as not to admit that he was wrong. Yes, what are you going to do with it?”

Wilfred: “Why do people keep coming back to that past of yours? How about that?”

Özcan: “Ehm, because they are looking for something to get you and they can’t find anything. Then they get yelled at again, like at the moment and then they go back to that story. Yes, what should I do?”


Wilfred: “Unscrupulous you even called him that Rob. Those are harsh words in this business, aren’t they?

Ozcan: “Yes? That’s a bit like what Job said to the Prime Minister, isn’t it?”

Johan Derksen: “Look, if you’re sitting here, you’ll also get twisted. It’s not just kicking and dealing. You just have to be immune to that. You have to cut yourself off from that completely. So if you say to that Gijs from ‘Greengrocer’ and he then starts acting very arrogant and contemptuous about us, then he is a childish boy.”


Johan is quite done with Marcel and Gijs. “Those two kick all day, they knock everyone to the ground, but they have to learn that sometimes someone kicks back. They are not used to that. Then they are not yet grown people in the TV world. They really behaved like toddlers in this case.”

He continues: “René had a spontaneous outburst of anger and in fact, in terms of content: 100 percent right.”

Özcan: “It was a valid point, because I heard that from you two three months ago. That you were addressed by him about my language, so I don’t understand why you were addressed about that. But it is childish to deny that.”


A short excerpt from VI:
