Özcan Akyol does not rule out presentation Op1: ‘Always possible in the future’

Özcan Akyol (39) does not rule out presenting Op1 or a similar program in the future. “If I don’t go out of style, or if they don’t cancel me,” he jokes.

© SBS 6

He already has extensive experience in interviewing with programs such as De Geknipte Gast and Sterren op het Doek: Özcan Akyol. Yet Today Inside is the only current talk show in which he is involved, and then only as a guest. Why isn’t he at the head of the Op1 table? BNNVARA has left, but his other employer MAX is still there.

On 1

Özcan is encouraged by a contributor to his letters column to start working at Op1. “Since BNNVARA is no longer part of presenting Op1, I am really annoyed by the Telegraaf sidekick and representatives of VVD and other center and right-wing parties. Isn’t Op1 something for you?”, asks Theo.

Not at the moment, the presenter answers. He jokes: “I put my demands on the table. First of all, the program had to change its title to Öp1, a little joke after my own first name. In addition, I wanted an audience of two hundred people in the studio.”


Were those all his demands? No. “Finally, I pounded my fist on the table and said that it had to be fun and exciting television again. Unfortunately, they couldn’t promise me anything, so I politely thanked them for the honor.”

He continues: “Do you know what it is? I’m only in my thirties. If I don’t go out of style, or if they don’t cancel me because I happened to glare at someone once, I can always take on a similar task in the future.”
