Özcan Akyol backtracks on howler video: ‘He stirs shit!’

Özcan Akyol and Evert Santegoeds© NPO, SBS

Özcan Akyol is synchronously puked on by Evert Santegoeds, Yvonne Coldeweijer and the biographer of the Meilandjes now that he is backtracking about Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’s howler film. Johan Derksen already said it: how Özcan Akyol will regret his statements about an alleged howler film by Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. Now that we all watch that ‘roaring film’ […]

The message Özcan Akyol backs down about howler video: ‘He stirs the shit!’ first appeared on Mediacourant.nl.
