Özcan Akyol attacks showbiz expert Telegraaf: ‘This is talk!’

Özcan Akyol opens fire on Jordi Versteegden. He thinks that the showbiz expert of De Telegraaf does not have his facts in a row and should ‘swear’ a little less. “Better fact-check!”

© SBS, Telegraaf

Maarten van Rossem has revealed the gender of the upcoming winner of De Slimste Mens in Özcan Akyol’s radio program. That takes away a lot of fun for many viewers. The jury member is very disappointed; According to Jordi Versteegden, he has let it be known that he thought the broadcast had already ended when he made his statements.

Özcan lashes out

What exactly did Maarten say to Jordi? Jordi in a video on the Telegraaf site: “He says: ‘I don’t even call it a blunder’, because what happened: he had the idea that the program had already ended, so he thought he off the record was still talking to Eus. (…) Maarten was like: this has never been broadcast, but so it was.”

Özcan, who is also a columnist for the AD, states that Jordi proclaims a lot of nonsense in his video commentary. “You are not going to win a Tile with this production. It was already in the first five minutes of the broadcast,” he tweeted angrily.

‘Maarten told me that!’

What Özcan points out is that Maarten already revealed the gender of the Smartest winner in the first five minutes of the radio broadcast. If you are just starting a broadcast, you cannot of course have the idea that the program has already ended.

But this is just what Maarten told him, Jordi defends himself. “Good morning, Maarten van Rossem really told me on the phone that he thought the broadcast was over.”

fact checking

Özcan believes that Jordi has a responsibility to check Maarten’s statements. “Then you better start fact-checking. Marcus den Blanken (media journalist for the AD, ed.) listened in. Maybe he can help you on your way. It was at the beginning.”

Jordi: “Thank you for your feedback. I should have fact checked it better. Sloppy of me. But before or after the broadcast: in the end, the main thing is that Maarten thought he was not on air when he made this statement about De Slimste Mens.”

very pissed off

Özcan reacts very angry. “You have journalists who freely acknowledge and correct their mistakes. And you have this kind of talk.”

Jordi: “Mistakes…? Gosh, I quoted Maarten van Rossem, that’s all. I also admitted that I should have fact-checked it better. Beautiful day!”

Blue eyes

Marcus, the media journalist of the AD, is surprised about the method of his Telegraaf colleague: “If it is after five minutes in a broadcast, you can assume that a live show of an hour is not over yet, right?”

Jordi: “Maarten literally said: ‘I walked away and thought the broadcast was already over’.”

Marcus: “And you always believe everyone’s blue eyes? Doesn’t listen yourself, but just says what someone else says? Fine, your choice. Weird story.”

Jordi: “What I said a few tweets ago: I should have fact-checked it better.”

Twitter quarrel

The Twitter quarrel between the media fighters:
