Özcan Akyol attacks ‘pawnbroker’ Khalid Kasem: ‘Bad idea’

Özcan Akyol thinks it is a ‘bad idea’ that Khalid Kasem, who was exposed as a pawnbroker, and his co-host Sophie Hilbrand are going to make a slavery broadcast. “No one watches that.”


Normally they take turns presenting, but in the run-up to the elections they sat next to each other at their talk show table the entire time: Khalid Kasem and Sophie Hilbrand. And tonight they will do that again, because their program will come from Middelburg. That city played an important role in slavery and that is what the broadcast is about.

Özcan is critical

Khalid & Sophie is completely dedicated to the apology that Prime Minister Rutte offered exactly one year ago for the Netherlands’ history of slavery. “Hey, should we also do a broadcast in Zeeland sometime?” asks Wilfred Genee cynically in his program Today Inside.

Table guest Özcan Akyol then says that he thinks it is a bad idea. “You shouldn’t step on people who are already on the ground. Not more gloating etcetera. But of course it’s a bad idea. No one is going to look at that, it doesn’t exist in society that way at all.”


Wilfred then brings in the revelation that Khalid is a pawnbroker in his private life. “You would have preferred to do it from one of those buildings of his?”

Özcan knows that Wilfred is trying to provoke statements here and therefore answers him back: “What do you mean? What do you say? Which buildings?”

Wilfred, who is himself a pawnbroker, then turns to Johan Derksen with a laugh: “You had read that too, I believe, didn’t you? That he has a lot of properties?”

Slum landlord

Johan heads it in. “That Khalid? That he is a slum landlord.”

Özcan: “Does he have any properties?”

Johan: “He has eight buildings, yes. That does not suit GroenLinks-PvdA.”

Özcan: “At a socialist broadcaster…”

And so that revelation continues to haunt Khalid. Socialist on screen, capitalist according to the Land Registry…
