“Ozark” series finale: US rapper Killer Mike with guest appearance



Since Friday, April 29, 2022, the final episodes of the successful drama series “Ozark” have been available for streaming on Netflix. It also features a guest appearance by US rapper Killer Mike.

In the scene, Mike is sitting in a diner and meets Ruth Langmore, played by Julia Garner. Apparently Ruth is a big fan of the rapper and starts a conversation with him by saying: “I just wanted to tell you that I really like what you do.” This leads to a short conversation in which the two share their interpretations of hip-hop – Compare the classic “NY State of Mind” by Nas.

Killer Mike told the US magazine when the performance was announced last June billboard: “I went from waiting to find out what happens next to being part of it … I’m excited.” So the rapper seems to be a big fan of the series.

Killer Mike is part of the hip-hop duo Run the Jewels, whose current album “RTJ4” was released in 2020. The rapper recently announced that he is working on new music with El-P, the other half of Run The Jewels. But the rapper also feels drawn to television at the moment, apart from the guest appearance on “Ozark”, Killer Mike can currently also be seen as the host of the television series “Tumbleweeds: Rolling Through America” ​​on Vice.

“Ozark” tells the story of financial adviser Marty Byrde (Jason Bateman), who agrees to work with a notorious Mexican cartel and from now on must fight not only for his own life, but that of his family as well. The series has won several awards, including three Emmys. The now released seven more episodes of the fourth season bring the story to an end.




