Ozark: Aldo Grasso’s review of the final season. On Netflix

Type: dramatic, thriller
Directed by Mark Williams. With Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, Skylar Gaertner, Julia Garner, Sofia Hublitz, Lisa Emery, Charlie Tahan, Carson Holmes, Kevin L. Johnson, Felix Solis. On Netflix

Julia Garner in the fourth and final season of “Ozark” (photo by Tina Rowden / Netflix).

Distressing, cynical, ambiguous. Adjectives could be wasted to describe a series like Ozark. Designed by Mark Williams, it is now in its fourth and final seasonis a multi-sided object, which shines for the ability to condense within itself some of the themes that have characterized the leap in quality of American seriality in recent decades.

In Season 1, we discover that Marty Byrde (Jason Bateman), a quiet financial advisor who lives in Chicago with his family, actually hides a dark side: Laundering money for Mexican drug cartels.

While the criminals get rid of his partner Bruce, he manages to convince them that it is possible to take the money to a lost place, Lake Ozark. in Missouri, where to continue the illegal activity.

Thus begins a journey into the abyss of evilwhere the only certainty is the need to keep the family together and where the bar moves more and more with no apparent way out.

With the passing of the seasons, until the sublimation of the fourth, an element that emerges with great writing force is the relationship between Marty and his wife: it is on their relationship, on the nuances of personalities that one of the tense elements of the story plays out.

For those who find their guilty pleasure in unlikely thrillers and in discovering the deep psychologies of anti-heroes.

