Owner-occupied homes are cheaper almost everywhere, this is what a house in your municipality costs

Good news for people who want to buy a house. For the first time in ten years, house prices have fallen. While in 2022 you still had to pay an average of more than 426,000 euros for an owner-occupied home in Brabant, last year it was almost 8,000 euros less. Back then you paid an average of 418,000 euros. For the cheapest houses you have to be in Roosendaal. In the municipality of Alphen-Chaam, the price of a house fell the most in the past year.

This is evident from figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). House prices fell in two-thirds of all Brabant municipalities last year. The biggest decliner is Alphen-Chaam. There, the average value of an existing owner-occupied home fell from 526,000 euros to 462,000 euros. A difference of more than 64,000 euros.

It is not the case that you pay less for a home everywhere in Brabant. House prices rose the fastest in Heeze-Leende, at more than 19 percent. If you had to pay 405,000 euros for a roof over your head in 2022, that increased to 483,000 euros in 2023.

Statistics Netherlands has not taken the type of houses into account in these figures. For example, in municipalities where many luxury villas were sold, the average sales price will be higher than in municipalities with many small apartments.

Despite falling prices, in some places you still need a very deep wallet to buy a house.

The top 3 municipalities with the most expensive houses:

1. Vught:

  • 2023: 606,139 euros
  • 2022: 614,829 euros
  • A decrease of 8,690 euros

2. Waalre

  • 2023: 566,029
  • 2022: 607,624
  • A decrease of 41,595 euros

3. Son and Breugel

  • 2023: 525,199 euros
  • 2022: 583,666 euros
  • A decrease of 58,467 euros.

The top 3 municipalities with cheapest houses:

1. Roosendaal:

  • 2023: 342,488 euros
  • 2022: 343,792 euros.
  • A decrease of 1304 euros

2. Woensdrecht:

  • 2023: 368,491 euros
  • 2022: 350,087 euros
  • An increase of 18,404 euros

3. Steenbergen:

  • 2023: 340,642 euros
  • 2022: 351,730 euros
  • A decrease of 11,088 euros

See what happened to house prices in your hometown here:
