Owner after Lamborghini crash: ‘I thought I was dying’

The 29-year-old Rick van Stippent from Heusden, Brabant, is lucky. Yesterday he crashed with his very expensive Lamborghini Aventador on the A28 near Rouveen, not far from the border with Drenthe. He himself was unharmed, but his car worth half a million euros is a total loss.

“I am not physically wrong, that is unprecedented. But it is a traumatic experience,” says Van Stippent to Broadcasting Brabant† Images of the crash went viral

On the way to TT Circuit

De Brabander was on his way to the TT Circuit in Assen with a friend for an event with special cars. “But my car never made it to that auto show, unfortunately,” he sighs.

According to Van Stippent, it went wrong when he drove over a bump at Rouveen. “The weight distribution with this car is different. The engine is in the back, just like the drive. The butt, as it were, caught up with the nose. It started spinning. You also see it on the road surface, it is only circles that you drive on. sees the road, no braking distance.”

‘I thought I was dying’

Miraculously, he doesn’t have a scratch. But mentally it has not left him in the cold clothes. “The moment it went wrong, I thought: I’m going to die. Then the car started spinning. And just after I had that very first blow, I thought: okay, now I’m going to survive this.”

It took a while for the car to come to a complete stop. Van Stippent and a friend were able to get out of the car themselves, which caught fire. “The cabin was full of smoke.”

The 29-year-old from Brabant earned his fortune with his company that repairs cars.
