OVIEDO PP MEETING | Feijóo calls to “unite the vote” to get “the twenty seats that we lack to govern alone”

To the harshest sun that the Asturian summer can offer, Alberto Núñez Feijóo He closed his 25-minute rally in Oviedo with an appeal to “unite the vote& rdquor;, to make the PP take all the senators that are put into play in Asturias – he mistakenly asked for a “3-0 & rdquor;, because four are elected – and in Congress to “be the list that wins forcefully. In front of the Bombé kiosk, in the torrid midday of Campo San Francisco and in front of approximately a thousand people, according to party sources, the popular candidate for the presidency of the Government wrapped up his expected depth charge against “sanchismo & rdquor; with a call to the concentration of ballots with its initials. He addressed “those who do not want Sánchez, Sumar, Restar, Bildu, ERC and the sixteen parts of that salad of parties that do not deserve it to govern Spain & rdquor; and he asked them to vote under the warning that “if we do not unite it there will be thousands of votes that will not get a seat and we will lose one in this province, another in that & mldr; And so until we are twenty what we need to govern alone. Do not give a lost ball, a lost ballot & rdquor ;, he finished & rdquor ;, because “these elections must be won by Spain”.

That was the end of a parliament of about half an hour, at a lectern that Feijóo shared with the number one on the list for Congress for Asturias, Esther Llamazares, and the parliamentary spokesman for the General Meeting, Diego Canga. Most of the parliament had Sánchez and “sanchismo” in their mouths, and landed in Asturias – “a sister town that I know well because it shares many problems with Galicia & rdquor; – when they remembered the closure of Alcoa and the very repeated commitment of the PP to revoke the protection of the wolf. “I want to win,” said the applicant, “to tell a rancher that we cannot have loose animals that end up with the cattle herd in Asturias, that the wolf is a species to protect, but not a sacred animaland it has to coexist with other animals in balance & rdquor ;.

Núñez Feijóo had gotten there after renewing his definition of “sanchismo & rdquor ;. After starting the campaign paraphrasing Sánchez himself to portray him with three E’s -evil, lies and manipulation-, the popular candidate has chosen this Friday to redefine him with the other trio that make up “frivolity, inexperience and propaganda& rdquor ;. He warned that in these different elections, in which he “for the first time the governance of Spain depends on those who do not want to be in Spain& rdquor ;, “a weaker Sánchez will depend even more on the independentistas & rdquor; and he wanted to get more out of the “lies & rdquor; of the president adding a recent one. Speaking of the resurrection of the EU demand to start charging tolls on all highways from 2024, on Monday, in the debate, “I showed him the map, the document that he sent to Brussels and the answer. I asked him if this was true, he denied it and yesterday the one who knows about roads, the person in charge of the General Directorate of Traffic, said that tolls will indeed be paid on all highways in Spain… It has been like this for five years. This is sanchismo & rdquor ;, he concluded. “My team prepared a dossier for me with all the lies he told during the debate, they occupy eleven pages, and I don’t know if they will all be there.”

After repeating the great milestones of this campaign, and presenting Pedro Sánchez as the candidate who does not rule out governing losing, and that “it loses to block & rdquor;, Feijóo dedicated a good part of his speech to trying to deactivate the adversary. “Are we going to pay for the cinema on Tuesdays for the people with the most wealth in Spain with the money from pensioners? And the interrail to the children of those who have a nine-meter boat in the port of Gijón with that of the unemployed? & rdquor; Feijóo also said that he “takes note” of the conflict of justice before a group of workers who came to protest.

While in Asturias, and the demographic problem here being similar to the one he had to fight as president of the Xunta, he said that he wants to govern, for example, “so that in the towns there is a house for the elder, or a ‘nest house’& rdquor; like those of Galicia so that rural children “are cared for by professionals paid with public money& rdquor;. He also explained his purpose “so that the elderly alone who do not want to be alone can have community housing in the same town without having to go to a residence in the head of the region. I believe that employment is the key to public services & rdquor ;, he wanted to summarize, and “to dignity & rdquor ;.

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The aspiring president had to correct on the fly the mistake of addressing Esther Llamazares as “mayor of Avilés& rdquor; –she is a spokesperson for the PP in the town hall– after she opened the event with a song about her self-employed status and her conviction that “the self-employed have little fear of work& rdquor ;. “I know perfectly well what a self-employed worker in any sector suffers & rdquor ;, she proclaimed, “what the field suffers and what Pedro Sanchez and Adrian Barbon They are the worst presidents for rural Asturias”.

Diego Canga defined in his turn what was his campaign manager as “a self-employed worker, the opposite of Adriana Lastra & rdquor ;, and reproduced the boss’s call-up. “If the polls say that we are going to get three deputies in Asturias & rdquor ;, he pointed out, “I ask you for maximum mobilization so that we get four, because we need Alberto to govern alone & rdquor ;.
