OVHCloud announces the acquisition of ForePaaS

If initially, the French OVH was known to be a host, the group has grown and now offers many services, particularly related to cloud computing. Renamed OVHcloud, the company announced on April 21 the acquisition of ForePaaS, a PaaS (for Platform as a Service) specializing in carrying out projects related to data and artificial intelligence.

ForePaaS, the French publisher of an innovative PaaS solution

Founded in 2015 by Paul Sinaï, Vient Michel and François Vaillant, the French start-up ForePaaS currently has nearly 23 employees. She is at the origin of a platform that allows companies to move towards the exploitation of AI in their digital transformation. This solution aims to initiate, develop and implement within a structure, a multitude of data analytics and machine learning projects.

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This is what the Platform as a Service offered by the start-up ForePaaS looks like. Screenshot: ForePaaS.

Since our creation in 2015, we have applied ourselves to giving substance to a vision, that where companies would be able to create and manage simply and independently their own AI and Data analytics Factory. says Paul Sinai, CEO of ForePaaS.

On the strength of its success, the start-up, whose head office is located in Neuilly-sur-Seine, has been exported to the United States and has a head office in San Francisco. Thanks to this presence, she was able to acquire a clientele from all over the world, whether in America, Europe or even Asia. All of this was put in place thanks to an initial fundraising of $ 10 million that it obtained in 2017.

An acquisition that fits into OVHCloud’s development strategy

By acquiring ForePaaS, we are gaining an expert team that will complement the spectrum of OVHcloud businesses to accelerate the provision of a broader portfolio of development environments in the PaaS segment. says Thierry Souche, CTO of OVHcloud. Currently, OVH offers a catalog of 70 PaaS solutions that it offers to more than 1.6 million customers around the world.

The firm specializing in cloud computing aims to accelerate the deployment of this type of solution to offer a complete technological stack dedicated to AI. ” This acquisition of technological bricks and skills will allow us to support ever more use cases for all of our customers looking for agile solutions that facilitate their adoption of the cloud and give them total control of the life cycle of their data, adds Thierry Souche.

Since April 21, all ForePaaS employees and founders have joined the OVHCloud team to help them achieve the following objective: to offer a catalog of 80 PaaS solutions by the end of August 2022. No information was disclosed as to the amount of this acquisition.

Since the fire of one of its data centers located in Strasbourg, in March 2021, the group has been trying to recover and offer new tools in order to diversify. The company notably went public in October 2021, and recently filed a complaint against Microsoft, considering that the American giant is abusing its dominant position in the cloud sector.
