OVERVIEW. Number of corona patients in Belgian hospitals falls below 2,000 | Coronavirus what you need to know

Almost all corona figures in our country are falling. This is apparent from the most recent update from health institute Sciensano. It concerns both the average number of confirmed infections and the average number of hospitalizations. There are also fewer corona patients in hospitals and intensive care units. Only the number of deaths is still going up, but that is always a bit behind.

It average number of new infections in the period from 23 to 29 July dropped below 4,000 and now stands at 3,972 per day. This is a decrease of 7 percent.

The incidence in fourteen days is now 499 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. BA.5 is still the dominant variety and is good for 77.5 percent of the number of infections.

There is less testing, according to the figures. It average number of corona tests is currently on 13,760 per day. That is a decrease of 5 percent.

The positivity ratio also descends slightly and ends up at 31.6 percent (-0.3 percent).

It reproduction number sit on 0.85, which accounts for a 15 percent decline. If this number is below 1, it means the pandemic is losing momentum.

It average number of new hospitalizations has dropped to . in the period from July 26 to August 1. 127 per day. That’s a drop of 21 percent.

Also at the occupancy rate there is good news. There are still 1,901 corona patients in our hospitals, down 17 percent from the seventh day before. On the services intensive care is it about 124 patientsdown 2 percent from the previous seven days.

The only figure that is still going in the wrong direction is the average number of deaths. That increased by 21 percent in the period from 23 to 29 July to 14 deaths a day.

A total of 32,263 compatriots have already died from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic.

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