OVERVIEW. Figures continue to fall, 2,053 corona patients in hospitals, 650 of which are in intensive care | Coronavirus what you need to know

The corona figures in our country continue to go in the right direction for the time being. New infections and hospitalizations due to Covid-19 continue to fall by more than a third. There are still 2,053 people with Covid-19 in hospital (-28 percent), of whom 650 are in intensive care (-15 percent). This is evident from data from health institute Sciensano.

Read all about the coronavirus in this file.

In the week from 15 to 21 December, on average 7.011 corona infections per day. Compared to a week earlier, this is still a clear decrease (-36 percent).

When we get the daily figures When we look at it, we see that the number of new infections is again lower every day than the week before.

To test

Between 15 and 21 December, an average of 70.406 tests performed. A few weeks ago, the average number of tests per day was about 120,000.

positivity ratio

The positivity ratio is 11.6 percent, down 3.3 percent.

The reproduction number is 0.77. A number below 1 indicates that the epidemic is losing momentum.

Hospital admissions

In the week from 18 to 24 December, on average 150.7 corona patients admitted to a Belgian hospital per day. That is a decrease of 32 percent compared to a week earlier.

Since the start of the pandemic, our country has been 95.783 people ended up in hospital as a result of a corona infection.

Currently lying 2.053 people with Covid-19 in hospital (-28 percent), of whom 650 in the intensive care unit (-15 percent).


In the period from 15 to 21 December, an average of deaths per day 35.7 people from the effects of Covid-19, a decrease of 19 percent on a weekly basis. The total number of deaths thus rises to 28,149.


Of all Belgians have 8.899.780 people already have at least one first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19. 8.787.943 people are already fully vaccinated. That is 76 percent of the entire population. 3.963.319 people already got one third shot. That is 34 percent of the entire population.

In Flanders are 5.433.316 residents are at least partially vaccinated, which is 81.7 percent of the entire population. 5.392.372 among them are fully vaccinated, or 81 percent of the entire population. 2,552.107 The Flemish (38.4 percent) received a booster shot.

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