OVERVIEW. Corona figures continue to fall: only 71 patients in intensive care | Coronavirus what you need to know

The corona figures in Belgium continue to evolve favourably, from the average number of registered infections, to hospital admissions and deaths. This is evident this morning from the most recent figures from health institute Sciensano.

Between August 13 and 19, daily an average of 1,704 new infections registered, a decrease of 21 percent compared to the previous period.

The incidence is currently at 233 infections per 100,000 inhabitants over fourteen days.

Little is being tested, a lot less than at the end of last year and early this year. Between August 13 and 19, daily average 7,705 tests declined. This is a decrease of 15 percent.

About a quarter turned out to be positive: the positivity ratio amounts to 24.6 percent. This is also a decrease of 1.8 percent.

It reproduction number is 0.89, a decrease of 5 percent. If that number is below 1, it means the pandemic is losing momentum.

BA.5 is almost the sole ruler in our country. Bee 95.2 percent of the infections it concerns this corona variant.

Between August 16 and 22, on average 78 people hospitalized every day, down 18 percent on a weekly basis. Sciensano does report that no more hospitalizations have been reported in the province of Luxembourg since mid-May, due to a cyber attack on the network of Vivalia, an intermunicipal healthcare institution.

There are currently 1,105 people with a corona infection in hospitals (-17 percent). 71 patients are staying in intensive care units (-28 percent). It has been this low since the end of June.

Daily passing away still 9 people the consequences of a corona infection. But here too there is a decrease in the figures, by 7 percent.

In total, 32,463 people have died from a corona infection in our country since the start of the pandemic.

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