OVERVIEW. All corona figures are declining, an average of 1,599 new infections per day | Inland

CoronavirusAll corona parameters are back in the green. This is apparent from the preliminary corona figures from Sciensano. There are still 1,218 people with Covid-19 in hospital. The number of new infections has fallen by 37 percent, to an average of 1,599 per day.

Between 21 and 27 October, an average of 83.1 people were admitted to the hospital every day in our country Hopital with a corona infection, a quarter less than a week earlier.

There are now 1,218 people in the Hopital, a drop of 19 percent. 69 of them are on it intensive carea decrease of 9 percent.

The number of new infections fell by 37 percent between October 18 and 24, to an average of 1,599 per day.

There were also 24 percent fewer tests than a week earlier. Average 9,131 corona tests were recorded between October 18 and 24.

The positivity degree amounts to 19.7 percent. This means that about twenty people in every hundred who take a corona test are positive.

It reproduction number is 0.80. It means that 100 infected people infect a total of 80 others. When that number is lower than 1, the epidemic diminishes in strength.

Between October 18 and 24 died every day an average of 8.6 people with or with the virus. This is an 8% decrease. A total of 32,902 people have died since the start of the pandemic.

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