Overheid overhanded study over geluidshinder luchthaven aan betrokken partijen | landlocked

The Belgian state has a study of the effects of the noise around Brussels Airport overlaid on the drunk parties, so report La Libre en la Dernière Heure. The study of veertien scenario’s that het longemak van de buurtbewoners would like to be able to clear.

The study of the specialized office Envisa is overhanded to the drunk people, the union of builders in the Waals in Brussels. And in 2020 what the state veroordeeld om tegen 1 June 2022 de partijen een nieuwe effectenstudie te bezorgen, nadate a first version as onvoldoende will be considered.

“Zowel in terms of gezondheid voor een maximaal aantal buurtbewoners than in terms of the economic leefbaarheid van de Luchthaven” is the lengthening of piste 25L with 900 meters “the most efficient scenario”, so says the study. The trekken zouden daar dan ander bepaalde voorwaarden inzake geluidsnormen can be concentrated, with a bocht to the left vanaf a hoogte van 700 voet. Vijft tot 100 percent of the optimum flight distance along the longest piste. That means investing in 50 million euros.

The other most important reason for the conclusion of this study is the modernization of the vloot in Zaventem. “Dat zou onmiskenbaar een positieve impact hebben op de geluidscontouren”, says the author of the study. De uitstoot van vervuilende materials zou eveneens been reduced. In 2019, 12 percent of the fleet was generated (Airbus A320neo, A350, A380, 737Max, 787, enz.). The study suggests that the trekking should be done by 28 percent, which should be reduced by 15 percent.

Envisa heeft de study not completely overgedaan, maar heeft a full analysis carried out the zijn toegevoegd aan de initiële study. According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Mobility Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo), the disappearing scenario’s internal context has been proposed “aan the other led van de Federale Meerderheid and aan de led van het Overlegcomité”.

“This study has at least one objective ring from the most important point of view in the next few oplossingens, with the result that the most disruptive and most potential consensus can be reached”, says the cabinet still in a same document.

What concerns the lengthening of the bay 25L with 900 meters from the trekkende vluchten vaker een bocht to the left of the building (in the square of the bay 25R), state in the same situation that “gezien the geographical position of the Luchthaven, he door a small junk van de activiteiten naar het oosten het overvliegen van gemeenten ten zuidwesten van de Luchthaven deels vermeden kan werden”. That scenario, “1.b”, is worked out in different subscenarios in the function of het aandeel trekken dat zou verschuiven van 25R naar 25L en van de hoogte waarop de bocht naar links wordt indicated.

Because it was said to be miraculous: it can be done to optimize the frequency of overflows and reduce the global risk, but it should also be calculated with the investment costs and with the various costs of the rest of the risk. If the grandson is slutty in Zake Geluidshinder india de vliegentuigen al op lage hoogte (700 votes) to the left draaien, then that may suffer tot extra geluidshinder in common ten zuiden van de Luchthaven.

In other scenarios, it has been planned that the night operation will be extended (with a warning at the angle of the river) until 7 am (in the morning at 6 am), because there will be a significant economic impact in the air. Passeren also de review: vroeger opstijgen vanop baan 25R, het stopzetten van de cargovluchten, new naderingprocedures at lands of nog de trekken op baan 25R all along the eenzelfde route sturen boven less populated areas.
