Overheating of the Liander power grid threatens: billions needed, otherwise 3.2 million houses in the dark | Financial

In his Investment Plan 2022-2031, published on Monday, Liander calls this the largest investment package ever. The plan, intended for Friesland, North Holland, Flevoland, Gelderland and parts of South Holland, extends until 2024.

6500 kilometers of cable

The company lays 6500 kilometers of cable for medium and low voltage networks, installs 2400 transformer houses and builds 56 large electricity stations. Another hundred are being expanded.

This is urgently needed, according to the management, given the rapidly growing demand for electricity and the return of green energy from solar panels from companies and private individuals. Together they cause overload.

Liander states that of the 316 larger electricity stations, almost 195 are in danger of becoming overloaded without additional investments in capacity.

Explosive growth

With an extra network and the damping of peaks and troughs, the electricity provider believes it can bring supply and demand more equal.

In three years’ time, with €3.1 billion in investments, the bottlenecks must be resolved and problems for the coming years prevented in the event of extreme growth.

It puts another €357 million into keeping the gas network afloat.

The company previously indicated that it was experiencing delays due to problems with licensing by governments for the transformer houses and electricity stations.
