Overcoming the winter blues at work: tips from the hygge philosophy

Defying the winter blues in everyday working life can be challenging. A Danish happiness researcher recommends certain strategies to stay motivated and satisfied even in the dark season.

The arrival of winter poses a challenge

With the arrival of winter and short daylight hours, staying motivated at work can be a challenge. Meik Wiking, a happiness researcher from Copenhagen, where winters are long and dark, gives CNBC insights into how to still get through the cold season feeling energetic and happy. As CEO of the Happiness Research Institute, he is an expert on “Hygge” – a Danish word that loosely translates to “coziness” or “comfort.”

Stock up on daylight

Wiking emphasizes the importance of getting outside for an hour a day, despite winter weather. Even as a student, he noticed how spending time outdoors improved his mood. Sunlight can have a positive effect on mood and trigger the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter-regulating happiness hormone, as CNBC reports.

Make new friends at work

Instead of just pursuing professional goals, Wiking advises CNBC to strengthen interpersonal relationships. In a professional environment, this could mean getting to know a new colleague every month or getting to know their interests. Studies show that people who are friends with their colleagues feel more supported and happier at work.

Rethink finances

As an antidote to post-Christmas stress, Wiking recommends reducing spending. Taking a close look at your finances and creating a budget will help you use money wisely. The priority should be to create an emergency fund to ensure financial security. Even small monthly amounts can provide more financial flexibility and negotiating power in the long term, especially when it comes to changing negative aspects of the job, as Wiking finally reports to CNBC.

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Image sources: Zsolt Biczo / Shutterstock.com, OMfotovideocontent / Shutterstock.com
