Overcoming resistance to achieve your goals – Brand

The resistance is there… all the time. Either you beat the resistance or the resistance beats you. From beating the alarm clock when it rings and you want to sleep a little longer, from getting up early to work, from not giving in to the temptation of having a cigarette, from wanting to start entrepreneurship, starting a healthy diet… In your decisions, actions, thoughts… there they are always. But what are resistances really?

They are those internal voices that condition and test our determination. Everyone, even the most successful, experiences them. The key lies in knowing how to manage them in our daily lives, in our projects, goals and family relationships. Imagine wanting to start a new habit at the gym, and something stops you. Resistance is often disguised as fear or uncertainty, taking advantage of the negative nature of the mind and the brain’s tendency to seek comfort and survival. Thus, every time you try to leave your comfort zone, you face these resistances.

Each person is a unique universe, and overcoming resistance involves knowing your own set of limiting beliefs. Discovering its origin, getting to the root and becoming aware of these resistances is the first step. This process provides us with valuable information about what we are believing at that moment, preventing us from seeing other alternatives. Fear, at its core, is the lack of information that is paralyzing, but most of which is not real. We can break through resistance by facing fear and using it as a motivator rather than a paralyzing obstacle.

Many people dream of achieving their goals, but resistance often gets in the way without them realizing it, preventing them from being fulfilled. The motivation is present, but why is the goal not achieved? Because the resistance resides in the unconscious, while the motivator occupies only a small percentage in the conscious (approximately 3%). Overcoming this barrier is a task for the brave, as it requires self-knowledge to explore and modify unconscious patterns and change our beliefs.

Although it may seem like a challenging path, what would happen if we consider Creativity as a tool to redefine it? We can transform resistance into fundamental allies. The first task is to accept the existence of resistance and recognize our fears. Accepting does not mean agreeing, but letting go of what we deny. Not fighting resistance is the key; We must make her our partner, our friend. When we hug her and walk with her, she gives us valuable information. Well-managed resistance strengthens us.

The benefits of overcoming these barriers are enormous and invaluable. We experience greater fulfillment, self-confidence and, above all, freedom. And nothing beats freedom. That should be the motivation to embrace and overcome resistance.

With this information, we know that the challenge is there, and that the reward of overcoming it is incomparable. So what will be your next resistance to hugging? You dare?

DS COACHING – Instagram: @diegosanchezrp

AREZ CREA – Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok, Linkedin @arezcrea / Workshops and Creative Consulting.


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