OVERALL ROUNUP: Storm ‘Nadia’ causes severe damage in northern Germany

HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) – Storm “Nadia” swept across northern Germany with dangerous Ben and caused several serious accidents. In Beelitz, Brandenburg, a pedestrian died because an election poster was blown over and fell on him. In Bremen, a person suffered serious injuries in a park when a tree fell on him and in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, a 16-year-old had an accident – he drove his motorcycle into a fallen tree and was seriously injured. The situation only eased over the course of Sunday – but now the focus is on the south.

Wind, water and a lot of work for the emergency services

The highest wind speed was measured on the Hallig Hooge in North Frisia at 127 km/h, said a meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD) on Sunday morning. Peak speeds of 119 km/h were measured in List on Sylt, at Cape Arkona on Rgen and in Glcksburg near Flensburg.

According to the police, there were hundreds of operations in Hamburg alone. A severe storm flood flooded the fish market in the Altona district. The water level at the St. Pauli gauge was 2.84 meters above the mean high water level during the night. As a dpa photographer reported, hundreds of onlookers were drawn to the fish market during the day. Several cars were damaged by the flooding. There were also storm surges on other parts of the coast. “Not everywhere a severe storm surge like in Hamburg,” said a spokeswoman for the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). However, the entire German North Sea coast was affected. On Sunday afternoon, the BSH lifted the storm surge warning for the German North Sea coast.

On the North Sea coast, one speaks of a storm surge when the flood water is at least 1.5 meters higher than normal. A severe or very severe storm surge is only spoken of from values ​​of 2.5 or 3.5 meters.

Problems in shipping – bridge remains closed

A barge got stuck under a bridge in the port of Hamburg. The ship got stuck on the Freihafenelbbrücke when passing through with the wheelhouse late on Saturday evening. The bridge will remain closed to vehicle traffic for the time being. The damage was considered so significant that the bridge had to be closed for an unforeseeable period of time, the Hamburg police said. The 44-year-old skipper and a 45-year-old dredger driver were not injured. Both men had a breath alcohol level of around 1.4 per mil. Because of the rising flood in the evening, the dredger was able to be freed at 3.30 a.m. with the help of a ship’s assistance tug and moored at the Kirchenpauerkai.

Another incident occurred 16 nautical miles (approx. 30 kilometers) off the East Frisian coast. There, an unloaded freighter drifted in the sea for several hours. The 190 meter long “Vienna” had problems maneuvering because of the storm, as a spokesman for the emergency command in Cuxhaven announced. The machine was too weak to hold the ship against wind and waves. Therefore, among other things, emergency tugs were sent to the distressed vessel. The freighter was secured after about six hours.

Trees on tracks and faults on overhead lines

Rail traffic was also initially affected on Sunday. The ICE and IC trains were canceled on the section between Stralsund and the Baltic Sea resort of Binz. There were delays between Bremen and Hamburg, and passengers between Rostock and Hamburg and Berlin should expect short-term cancellations and delays. In the afternoon, the situation in long-distance traffic relaxed – in regional traffic there were still individual problems. Deutsche Bahn cited trees that had fallen onto the tracks or disruptions to the overhead lines as the reasons.

Storm in the north is followed by snow in the south

On Sunday morning, the DWD lifted its severe weather warning – but it remains uncomfortable. In the Alps, a combination of snowfalls and storms could become explosive in the coming days – and up to one meter of snow could fall by Wednesday, the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Sunday. Storms can also cause heavy snow drifts. According to the meteorologists, the following applies to the rest of the country: It will be grey, windy, wet and occasionally snow will fall down to the low altitudes./sow/DP/mis

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