“Overall, everything en iedereen”: drugs na coronacrisis terug in opmars | Buitenland

Drug use in Europe is limited to one reason, after the corona crisis, it is used at the moment for the first time in cocaine because of the pandemic. EMCDDA director Alexis Goosdeel vat the trend in de drugswereld same in three words: “Overall, everything in iedereen.”

The corona crisis also had an impact on the drugs world, toen the lockdowns in the world will be opened. Maar “de Europees drugsmarkt too verkracht”, says the Europees drugsagentschap EMCDDA. This also applies to the declaration of use and the information from Rioolwater. The list of drugs remains at a high level, and there are also no strong steeds and potential drugs by.

De afvalwateranalyse laat bijvoorbeeld zien dat er een toename is in het gebruik van cocaïne, crack en amfetamine in sommige steden tussen 2020 en 2021. Vooral crack, een schadelijkere en rookbare variant van cocaïne, lijkt vooral aan popularityeit te winn. Van de 14 steden waar het rioolwater was analyzed last year, he bliijken vooral in Antwerpen en Amsterdam near what gebruikers te zijn. The opmars van crack connects the EMCDDA also with the toenemende aanbod van cocaïne in Europa, waardoor crack is gemakkelijker en goedkoper verkrijgbaar.

EMCDDA director Alexis Goosdeel said he said the same thing in three words: ”Overall, everything, iedereen. Gevestigde drugs zijn nooit zo toegankelijk weweest en he blijven strong new fabrics opduiken”, says Goosdeel. No new psychoactive substances have been detected, reports the EMCCDA. For the past few years, 52 new drugs have been developed, including synthetic cannabis (15 variants) and synthetic cathinones, more commonly known as ‘badzout’ (6 variants).


Cannabis remains the most popular drug in Europe. More than 22 million people (7.7 percent of the 15-plussers) declared that the open year of cannabis use was used. 3.5 million doses of used cocaine, 2.6 million doses of MDMA and 2 million doses of amphetamines.

The EU also says 1 miljoen uses van heroine and other opioids. Opioïden blijven de most dodelijke drugs. When it comes to fatal overdoses, opioids are encountered, but not in combination with other drugs. In 2020, there were a total of 5,796 canteens in the EU, which is a percentage of the total in 2019.
