over the planning for child psychiatry

I helped to wake up to my first conversation. The situation in child psychiatry remains to be written. Minister of Volksgezondheid Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) considered a radical koerswijziging, but the guards there were no longer open to the public.

Jorn LelongJune 16, 202219:00

Het is geen lukraak gekozen plek waar minister van Volksgezondheid Frank Vandenbroucke (Vooruit) for new plans for the psychische Hulpverlening en jeugdpsychiatrie uit de doet doet. De marquee, de jongerenafdeling van het psychiatrisch ziekenhuis van Multiversum in Mortsel, fourt zijn vijfde verjaardag. Het is one of the four psychiatric cases in Vlaanderen, which are exclusively focused on young people in transit, between 16 and 25 years of age.

Tegelijk wordt de minister also deze namiddag confronted with the limit was de zorg op botst. When the younger one from the center says what the biggest moeilijkheid was in a hulptraject, it doesn’t mean ‘the long guard’. Most of the time we helped to wake up to our first conversation, and there were other things we wanted to do in the treatment.

Why are adolescents so young as to walk to the right?

Vandenbroucke: “Ze bevinden zich op een kruispunt, also institutional. The child psychiatric stops in principle op de leeftijd van 15 jaar, in the transition to full psychiatric loops never old goed. The rigide opdeling houdt little rekening met de levensomstandigheden en development van jongeren rond die leeftijd, which te oud zijn voor zorg in de Kinderpsychiatrie en te jong voor volwassenenzorg.”

Vandaag belanden meisjes met eetstoornissen soms tussen volwassenen the al jaren in de psychiatrie zitten en soms agressief gedrag set to music.

“Inderdaad. So organize your gepaste zorg in the way it has been told doorways van de a voorziening naar de others. A center than the mark toont hoe waardevol het is om Bruggen te slopes tussen de child and volwassenenpsychiatrie. We trekken 14 mijoen uit om other instellingen de kans te biden zich in the zelfde direction te develop. Some other muds may also have been looped. He can also be included in the project for the treatment of requests from young people with eetstoornissen, such as psychiatric and physical problems.

“Also, on other occasions, we will pray for the development of the Leeftijdsgroep. With an extra 35 million, we are investing, so we are investing more money in the future to open the doors to children, more beds are being made in children’s psychiatric schools in Germany and mobile services are being developed for intensive psychological care.”

That is cruciaal for a group that he erg aan toe is, but you want to help the larger group with (milder) mental problems? It was a study of the Vlaamse Jeugdraad in 2018, which was 38 percent of the time between 14 and 25 years of age with mental health problems, and because of the corona virus.

“We don’t have many rules about the psychological issues that are being created. Vandaag kunnen jongeren een Rechtstreek’s telephone number vinden van clinical psychologists or orthopedagogen op de website van de netwerken geestelijke gezondheidszorg. The can be said beforehand that it is free of charge if you use the convention. Next to individual sessions we also work a group for younger people, so that the same about psychological problems can be mentioned.

“We direct ons also sea op prevention, for real birdsprieten the development in de samenleving. At home, the social services of CLB’s meet with mental problems that we can prevent ondersteunen of doorverwijzen naar een psycholoog. De hulpverlening means you have been brought dead before you.”

Toch is het steeds zo dat youngeren only by a small deel van de hulpverleners terugbetaalde psychische zorg krijgen.

“We’ve made a lot of progress. In January there are more than 42,000 menses in the new year. Het nieuwe aanbod bedraagt ​​op weekbasis 15.715 hours. Dat is al heel wat, maar also ik zou het liever sooner zien gaan. In October we will raise the new system in Kruissnelheid.”

Should that also be reduced in size?

“It is a huge investment, but I can’t believe that the problem of the guards in the army is calculated. We make it work from here to ensure that someone who is in charge of the guardianship state for a treatment in the Ziekenhuis, can be helped in the guarding of the operator’s name for a change of heart. Omgekeerd we will be treated in the psychiatrie zo kort mogelijk houden, what can be as ever begeleiding voorziet in de thuissituatie. The twee maatregelen zouden ervoor must ensure that mensen sooner hulp krijgen.”

It is possible that there are other capers op de kust, with the coronacijfers die Stijgen. Is it a summer golf in de Maak?

“It’s been said that the spreading of the BA4 and BA5 variants was planned, and we wanted to do that in the gates. Maar het is te vroeg om te voorspellen of he een golf aankomt.”

Would we like to do in the summer a preventive vaccination campaign?

“He zijn many possible scenarios. Bijvoorbeeld dat we na de zomervakantie de hele people een nieuwe prik geven, of a deel van de people. Een campagne na de zomer lijkt me vandaag het meest waarschijnlijke, maar er zijn nog geen beslissingen genomen.”
