Dorpshuis Over-Entinghe in Dwingeloo is one of the five nominees for the predicate ‘Drents Dorpshuis of the Year 2023’. The election is organized annually by the BOKD, the Brede Overleggroep Kleine Kernen in Drenthe.
According to the jury, Over-Entinghe believes that they have put themselves on the map in Dwingeloo within two years and that a diversity of activities takes place. There is now even a meeting café for the over-30s, a category that used to be difficult to reach. “And don’t forget our hostesses, they are really very important for the village hall,” emphasizes village hall chairman Leo Kochen.
Each nominated village house will receive an amount of 2500 euros anyway, the winner will receive an additional 1500 euros. Twenty applications were received, a jury chose six village houses for the final. These are next to Over-Entinghe community center ‘t Markehuus in Assen, Village center Eexterveen, Ons dörpshuus in 2e Exloërmond, ‘t Brinkenhoes in Emmen and De Weidehoek in Wijster. The winner will be announced on Saturday 18 November.
Inventing again
It makes the president proud. “Over-Entinghe has come to life as a village house in Dwingeloo, so we added the library and we are actually reinventing ourselves.” The next Culture Tour will take place on 3 September, but there are of course many other activities, such as art drinks on Friday afternoons. The Uitmarkt will be on the agenda for the third time on 30 September, entitled ‘A fresh start’. “We not only promote our nomination there, because everyone has to vote for us, of course, but all users also present themselves on that day. There are also performances throughout the day,” says Kochen.