Outstanding research quality at TH Lübeck confirmed by HRK

Two pieces of good news at the beginning of the semester: the competence center Communications – Systems – Applications (CoSA) was again positively evaluated by the German Rectors’ Conference. This was able to qualify for the research map Institute for Interactive Systems. Interactive systems include, for example, digital training content that many people interact with every day.

Pioneer in the field of digital education

The ISy has made a name for itself in the areas of digital education and computer-aided communication. The head of the competence center, Prof. Monique Janneck, expresses her delight at the recognition of years of work:

We have been prominent in the field of research on digital education for a long time and are currently researching innovative educational technologies and solutions for digital certificates in around 15 projects and developing interactive content for university teaching, training and further education. Inclusion in the research map contributes to the visibility of our services.

About the ISy

The Institute for Interactive Systems (ISy) is one of the competence centers of the TH Lübeck. With around 30 employees, the institute carries out numerous third-party funded research projects relating to the development of interactive systems and technologies. One focus is on the topics of digital education, computer-aided communication and cooperation as well as human-centered design. On the platform Future Learn Lab the ISy offers free digital further education courses.

About the research map

The research map helps to discover the respective research priorities of the technical colleges and universities bundled on one platform. Users can search for research topics. You can choose from a total of 14 subject areas, which are listed according to the subject classification of the German Research Society. Whether a new focus is included in the map is decided after evaluation by a working group of the HRK member group for universities of applied sciences.
The research map: https://www.forschungslandkarte.de/profilbildende-forschung-an-fachhochschulen/kartensuche.html
