‘Outside space Zuidlaren tackled, but the municipality is not yet taking action’

Lampposts have been straightened and road signs cleaned. The center of Zuidlaren has thus been slightly beautified, following a ‘white paper’ by Zuidlaarders Kees de Graaf and Eric Mol. Their conclusions in this modest report have largely been adopted by the municipality of Tynaarlo.

At the beginning of September, De Graaf and Mol sent their findings to the municipality, with the aim of having a visibly more attractive center for the Zuidlaardermarkt. “We now have a response that they are picking it up,” says Kees de Graaf. “We are happy with that response.”

In a response from the municipality of Tynaarlo, it can be read that they share the recommendations of De Graaf and Mol. “This mainly concerns tackling overdue maintenance in the center of Zuidlaren. But we would prefer to see the municipality take action now.”

De Graaf is referring to a structural improvement of the public space in the village. In the white paper, De Graaf and Mol propose to use 85,000 euros from ‘bubbly villages’ for this. “The municipality wants to wait with that,” says De Graaf. “While I think correctly: that money has been reserved since 2017, invest it now.”

The municipality of Tynaarlo is awaiting the plans for the center development of Zuidlaren, in order to invest further in public space. “It depends on the choices that the city council makes,” says De Graaf. “As far as we are concerned, investments could already have been made, but the municipality sees it differently.”

Tynaarlo is discussing the center development with, among others, United Ondernemend Zuidlaren. “I hope that the municipality will not forget to involve other groups in this as well. Ensure a broad representation from the village and do not focus only on the entrepreneur.”
