Outrage over a video of Vinicius Jr where you only want to take photos with fans

10/11/2022 at 10:58


The Madrid player appears in the video separating a fan who wanted to take a photo in a bad way

He does not act the same way with two fans

Vinicius Jr has returned to the center of the controversy by leaking on social networks a strange video in which he is seen interacting with several fans. It is true that there is a lack of context, but the networks They have harshly criticized the little that is seen.

On the Vinicius recording decides to photograph himself with two kindly amateurswhile a guy who tries his own thing gets what he gets It is an ugly push from the Brazilian Real Madrid player.

This gesture has sat badly on the networks that they have harshly charged ‘Vini’ calling him arrogant and provocativejust as he usually behaves on the pitch.

It is true that the boy who is going to take the photo exhibits a mocking gesture, so you have to be careful because we miss an important part of context to understand the disproportionate reaction of the Brazilian.

Be that as it may, the video as it has been presented on networks it’s quite strange. Despite the commotion, no more information is known nor has Vinicius spoken about it, so everything seems to be there.
